Workshop: Image Processing & Image Analysis using GeoDict 2023


This video workshop is an essential tool for anyone looking to learn how to import and analyze 3D image data in GeoDict. The workshop is targeted to new and experienced users and covers all steps from the first start of GeoDict to the detailed analysis of two different data sets, a NMC cathode from a battery and an air filter media.

The first part covers the import, segmentation, cropping and visualization of the structure and volume fields. Additionally, the participants will learn how remove noise from the images, in this example using a non-local means filter. Furthermore, the granular structure of the NMC cathode will be analyzed with GrainFind. The result is a detailed statistical overview of the grain sizes and spatial distributions.

Finally, the air filter media will be imported and analyzed with FiberFind-AI to identify individual fibers. Based on this information, we analyze the length and diameter distributions of the fibers and calculate their orientation. Post-processing options are also presented to further examine the results.

Workshop trainer

Dipl.-Math. Sebastian Rief

Application Engineer

3D Image Analysis with GeoDict: Import, Segment and Understand Your Structures (Part 1)

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3D Image Analysis with GeoDict: Import, Segment and Understand Your Structures (Part 2)

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3D Image Analysis with GeoDict: Import, Segment and Understand Your Structures (Part 3)

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