Import & Convert CAD Data


The ImportGeo-CAD module is used to import geometrical models in CAD format (*.stl) and, so, make possible to transform a CAD model into a GeoDict voxel (3d pixel) structure. The final aim is to use GeoDict simulation capabilities on CAD models.

CAD prototypes of parts may be imported in GeoDict to apply

  • a flow or
  • mechanical properties simulation or
  • analyze material properties related to the geometry.

ImportGeo-CAD Features

Before importing, parameters may be modified, such as the discretization step size (voxel length), the origin of the geometry, or the unit length (meter, millimeter, micrometer).

The user may choose between importing

  • only voxels (3d pixels) 
  • only surface 
  • or both voxels and surface

Once the *.stl surface is loaded, various CAD-features are turned on, such as view triangulation, faces, points, and transparency mode.

Additional GeoDict modules needed?

  • The GeoDict Base package is needed for basic functionality.
  • The results from GeoDict can be imported into other industry-typical software in the further development process. For this purpose, there are supplementary GeoDict export extensions to common CAD formats and simulation environments.