Just recently, yet another interesting article regarding "Mechanical shutdown of battery separators: Silicon anode failure" by one of our scientific clients came out in the journal "Nature Communications".

Seo, JY., Kim, S., Kim, JH. et al. Mechanical shutdown of battery separators: Silicon anode failure. Nat Commun 15, 10134 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-54313-y

The authors from Yonsei University, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology and LG Energy Solution designed an HM separator (> 1 GPa) capable of maintaining its porous structure even when paired with Si anode during cycling. It replaced a PE separator that was revealed to be disrupted during cycling owing to the local compressive stress generated by the volume expansion of Si by the mechano-structural characterization of Si full cells.

We are proud that this improved design of real separators was supported by using the LayerGeo, ConductoDict, ElastoDict, PoroDict and MatDict modules, in the GeoDict Software.