GeoDict 2024 User Guide
Overview of User Guide handbooks
Cite the User Guide handbooks as follows:
[Authors] (2024). GeoDict 2024 User Guide. [Title][Subtitle] handbook. Math2Market GmbH, Germany,
The exact citation you will find on the first inside page of each User Guide handbook.
GeoDict 2024 User Guide handbooks:
- GeoDict Base
- GeoDict Module handbooks for
- GeoDict General features & functionality

GeoDict 2024 Base Reference
File size:
5 MB
Explore GeoDict's GUI and its functionality to start using GeoDict.

Download, installation, and licensing
File size:
1 MB
How to download, install, and license GeoDict2024: node-locked or floating licenses, Windows or Linux, clusters ...

GadGeo and the GAD format
File size:
5 MB
Create, edit, and manipulate microstructure models in GAD format (GeoDict Analytic Data) with GadGeo. Export and import the GAD file format to other popular formats.

File size:
680 KB
Analyze, plot, and post-process GeoDict result data with the customized GeoDexcel.

File size:
629 KB
Interface to MATLAB® through GeoLab to modify, analyze, and use files in GeoDict formats.

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2 MB
With LayerGeo, add, attach, and subtract structure models from imported 3D-image data (from microCT, CT, FIB/SEM...) or generated material models to form complex combinations of media for many applications.

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5 MB
Process (crop, mirror, repeat, embed), dilate, cleanse, reassign materials, erode, rescale, compress, permute axes, add binder, invert, create an empty domain, mark connected components, and flood-fill pores of 3D-material models with ProcessGeo.
Material analysis

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6 MB
Use FiberFind to separate fiber and binder and identify fibers in nonwoven using Artificial Intelligence. Analyze fiber diameter, orientation, curvature and curliness and use these estimations to reproduce nonwoven using FiberGeo.

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4 MB
Identify single grains and binder in granular structures and quantify the grain size and their distribution with GrainFind.

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4 MB
Analyze solid material properties in porous media with MatDict: solid volume fraction, grammage, connected components, 1D and 2D statistics, object orientation, percolation paths, object overlap, skeletonization, and more.

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4 MB
Quantitative analysis with PoroDict: Pore Size Distribution by porosimetry and granulometry, identify pores (distribution, shape), percolation paths, estimate surface area, Minkowski parameters, three-phase contact line length, Open and Closed porosity, Chord Length Distribution, Bubble Point, geodesic Tortuosity and Euclidean Distance Transform.
Modeling & Design

File size:
12 MB
Generate a wide range of realistic models of nonwoven materials, fibrous porous media, and fiber-reinforced composite materials with FiberGeo.

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2 MB
Model regular (Kelvin structures) and random open-cell and closed-cell foams for many applications with FoamGeo.

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15 MB
Create and pile grains of many shapes, create dense sphere packings and pilings, simulate sintering and crystallization, and ceramic materials, add binder and more with GrainGeo.

File size:
6 MB
Learn to generate lattices of spheres, cylinders, and perforated foils in 2D and 3D, and use and modify predefined scripts to create strut-based lattices, Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces (TPMS), honeycombs, and rectangular or triangular monoliths for catalysts and sooth filtration (DPF, GPF).

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8 MB
Model paper with natural or synthetic fibers and simulate the addition of binder and filler with PaperGeo.

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3 MB
Generate multilayer filter media rectangular or cylindrical pleats for pleated filters (cartridges) with, or without, netted or woven support meshes with PleatGeo.

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4 MB
Generate wire and plastic meshes, and technical textiles as plain, twill, and satin weaves and create your own woven media (free-weave) with WeaveGeo.
Simulation & Prediction

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1 MB
Use AcoustoDict to compute media-dependent input parameters for acoustic models, predict frequency-dependent acoustic absorption, construct multilayered acoustic materials, and find a match to pre-defined acoustic properties in the data base.

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3 MB
Simulate mass transport by fluid streams by advective and diffusional particle movement. Calculate particle trajectories, the breakthrough curve, travel displacement, and the time-dependent particle concentration. Use AddiDict for digital development of catalytic converters.

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5 MB
Use BatteryDict to prototype and test the behavior of batteries. Model the structure of batteries (anode, cathode, separator, carbon black & binder, electrolyte) and simulate battery charging, discharging, aging, and degradation.

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2 MB
ConductoDict is used to obtain the effective thermal or electrical conductivity of materials by entering the thermal or electrical conductivity of the constituent materials.

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3 MB
Calculate tortuosity factor(k), tortuosity (T), effective diffusivity and Characteristic Length, Mean Free Path, Knudsen number of materials and simulate a diffusion experiment with DiffuDict.

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8 MB
Simulate and predict effective mechanic properties and large deformations of digitalized materials with ElastoDict.

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5 MB
Simulate and visualize filtration processes in filter media, filter elements, complete filters (with housing), and cross-flow filtration. Compute filter efficiency and lifetime (Single-Pass and Multi-Pass tests) and simulate coalescence in filter media with FilterDict.

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3 MB
Simulate and predict air flow, fluid flow, hydraulic properties, pressure drop, viscous resistivity, and permeability with FlowDict

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3 MB
Compute pressure-saturation curves and saturation-dependent (relative) permeability, gas diffusivity, and thermal and electrical conductivity (resistivity index) in porous media with SatuDict.

GeoPy scripting to automate GeoDict simulations
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3 MB
Increase productivity by automating repetitive processes, parameter studies, and simulation tasks in GeoDict through scripting in GeoPython.

How to create and edit videos from the visualized simulation results, also with user-friendly video presets for quickly and impressive short spots.

File size:
866 KB
Use Export Geo-Abaqus to export voxelized and analytical material model data as computational setups for elasticity computations with Abaqus.

File size:
1,018 KB
Use ExportGeo-Fluent to export voxelized and analytical material model data as computational setups for heat and flow computations with Fluent.

GeoApps in GeoDict
File size:
6 MB
Enhance productivity and ease-of-use with the provided pre-scripted GeoApps and with your own proprietary saved Apps that run directly from the menu bar of the GeoDict GUI.

File size:
3 MB
Train Neural Networks for the identification of materials with GeoDict-AI.

High Performance Computing for GeoDict
File size:
2 MB
Set up cluster computing, cloud computing, and job queues for large GeoDict simulations and remotely run GeoDict simulations on a Linux computer from a Windows computer.

File size:
608 KB
Learn to use ImportGeo-CAD to import surface triangulation files into GeoDict and convert them into 3D-models for property analysis and prediction.

File size:
8 MB
Learn to use ImportGeo-Vol to load and segment CT and FIB/SEM scans of materials into GeoDict, and to process and convert these imported 3D-images into 3D-models for property analysis and prediction. Use Artificial Intelligence to segment and label the scans.

GeoDict Material Database
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2 MB
The GeoDict material database links materials to their physical properties for the analysis and prediction of effective properties. Edit, expand, and build your own material database with proprietary material information.

ExportGeo-CAD with MeshGeo
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3 MB
Use ExportGeo-CAD to export voxelized and analytical material 3D data to surface triangulations and CAD formats and the extended MeshGeo functionality to smooth and coarsen meshes during creation, or repairing and voxelizing meshes and much more, before saving them.

Result Viewer of GeoDict *.gdr result files
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1 MB
Learn the possibilities of the Result Viewer of the *.gdr result file to extract all the information from simulations and learn to easily compare and combine data from multiple simulations. Learn to show data to specifications in histogram plots and automatically create custom videos.

Visualization of structures and result fields
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8 MB
Learn the essential settings for the visualization of images of structures and result fields of properties obtained through simulations with GeoDict.