GeoDict Evaluation
Test GeoDict and the services of the Math2Market team!
An evaluation license offers the possibility to get to know the GeoDict software with the help of tutorials, video tutorials, and the user guide.
In a validation project, we work with you to develop a customized and efficient GeoDict solution and a set a workflow specific to your application, as well as train you on how to use GeoDict to reach the best results for your individual case.
Request an evaluation license
Please use our support request form for the request and complete the following points when filling it out:
- Your email address: An evaluation license cannot be issued if the evaluation license request is sent from a private email address or a web-based email client address (e.g.,,,...) that does not provide information about the sender's industrial or academic affiliation.
- For students: Provide us with the name of your supervisor and contact information for any funding questions. Put your supervisor or advisor in cc.
- Specifics of your request: Please give us a short insight into the intended application or use of GeoDict. This information will, of course, be treated confidentially! Based on this information, we direct your request to one particular team and make an initial assessment of the necessary GeoDict modules. In this way, we can provide the best possible advice and support during the evaluation phase.
During the installation of the license, you must agree to the license agreement. Specifically, these points are included in the license agreement:
Section 3. SCOPE OF LICENSE of the License Agreement, that directly applies to a trial of GeoDict with an evaluation license
3.7 The scope of the EVALUATION LICENSE relates only to the purpose of evaluating the usefulness of the PRODUCT for the LICENSEE´s application case(s). No scientific or other publications may be based on an evaluation license. No consulting may be performed based on evaluation licenses, either within LICENSEE´s organization or with third parties.
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