Modeling grates, grids, and regularly-spaced structures


GridGeo generates advanced digital 3D models - so called digital twins - of periodic materials and repeating patterns, such as perforated foils and metal grates. In addition, you can create any number of regular configurations of cylinders, spheres, and any other objects. Frequently modeled are strut-based lattices, which are used as metamaterials in mechanical applications, and triple-periodic minimal surfaces, which are used, for example, as heat exchangers.

The resulting generated 3D digital microstructure model (digital twin) provides an unprecedented level of detail, enabling detailed analysis comparable to models derived from traditional µCT scanning. Examples of analysis capabilities include the calculation of pore size distribution (with the PoroDict module), the simulation of permeability (with the FlowDict module), and the simulation of mechanical properties (with the ElastoDict module).

What distinguishes GeoDict's digital twins is their exceptional versatility. Unlike a single CT scan, a digital twin based on a statistical model is extremely powerful for digital material design. A digital twin allows you to explore different material structures by digitally manipulating the underlying parameters.

GeoDict allows a direct comparison between new designs and existing products. The calculated material properties provide valuable insights and enable completely new material designs to emerge.

Features of the GridGeo module

GridGeo includes multiple options to create lattices, grids, and regularly-spaced media.

The Grid of Spheres function generates dense regular sphere packings like simple cubic, body-centered cubic, face-centered cubic, and hexagonal. The spheres may be defined to touch or overlap, and the size of the model is freely adjusted.

The Grid of Parallel Cylinders command creates a regular pattern of parallel cylinders. The profile of the cylinders may be defined as round, rectangular, or to be a regular polyhedron.

With the User Defined Grid function, it is possible to generate any kind of regular repeating patterns where the unit cells of the grid are defined freely.

The Perforated Foil function generates foil with regular perforations. The user may define the distance and pattern of the perforations, the form of perforations (rounded or a square) and even a change in diameter of the perforations over the thickness of the foil.

Two very powerful GeoApps for creating strut-based grids and Triple Periodic Minimal Surfaces are included in the GridGeo module.

The Strut-Based Lattices GeoApp allows the creation of 20 strut-based lattices found in the article "Architected cellular materials: A review on their mechanical properties towards fatigue-tolerant design and fabrication" by M. Benedetti, A. du Plessis, R.O. Ritchie, M. Dallago, S.M.J. Razavi, and F. Berto.

The second GeoApp creates Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces, which can also be found in the above article. A typical application for such a structure is a heat exchanger.

*Architected cellular materials: A review on their mechanical properties towards fatigue-tolerant design and fabrication by M. Benedetti, A. du Plessis, R.O. Ritchie, M. Dallago, S.M.J. Razavi, and F. Berto.

Following Modules are often used in combination with GridGeo:

Image Processing and Image Analysis          
Material Analysis PoroDict + MatDict        
Modeling & Design          
Simulation & Prediction AddiDict ConductoDict DiffuDict ElastoDict FlowDict
Interfaces ExportGeo-CAD + MeshGeo        

Suitable modules depend on the concrete application.